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The Ashram

Join us to experience the essence of the Yoga path in a heavenly sattvic environment

The Evergreen Project is an eco-village, community and ashram located in a magical acacias forest surrounded by the rich nature of mountain Kallidromo, in Fthiotida, central Greece. The village offers the ideal simple and austere environment, away from the noise and busyness of the cities, for the yoga path to be revealed and unfold. Deep connection with nature, simplicity and wildness are creating the scenery for self-study and self exploration.

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The venue

Our ashram offers basic living commodities that allow for the creation of space and connection with the rhythm of nature. We implement various sustainable living practices on the ground: eco-building, water management, zero-waste philosophy, vegetarianism.


Our practices

The accommodation is held in large belltents of 3-4 people. Our facilities include seven belltents, four compost toilets, outdoors showers, a sustainably built kitchen and the shala, that hosts all somatic practices. Also, pathway for heavy vehicles to carry necessary materials to the project site, a community square for social gatherings, concentration spaces, additional compost toilets and bell tents, when needed, to increase our hosting capacity.

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